According to the 2021 Auditor-report, General’s 88 former Ministry of Education employees received a total of GH 1,082,455.02 in “unearned pay” after they “left” from the organization.
The report stated, “We noted that 88 staff members who left their respective institutions received unearned salaries totaling GH1,082,455.02.” “We recommended that the heads of these offices recover the total unearned salaries of GH1,082,455.02 from the beneficiaries, failing which the amounts should be recovered by the heads,” the report said.
The statement added, “We noted that the Heads of Finance of 16 institutions of education paid a total of GH1,727,708.99 for various operations without adequate or relevant supporting papers.”
The heads of the institutions in question shall refund the sum of GH1,727,708.99, according to the Auditor-General’s Department’s recommendation.