ADAM-GH suspends occupy Police Headquarters demonstration

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ADAM-GH, a civil society organization that advocates for proper democratic principles, the rule of law, fundamental human rights, and good governance, has postponed its planned protest against the Ghana Police Service in response to Ahmed Suale’s murder of 8 civilians, the unauthorized hiring of party hoodlums into the Police force, and the Service’s selective application of justice to some Ghanaians.

The “Occupy police headquarters” demonstration, which is scheduled for October 17, 2023, also aims to draw attention to the group’s claims that citizens were wrongfully detained during the occupyjulorbihouse demonstration, that citizens’ rights to protest and demonstrate have been consistently denied, and that citizens have the right to demonstrate without first obtaining permission from the police or another government agency, among other things.


The group said in a press release that it has officially written to the Ghana Police Service to stop the planned demonstration until further notice. The statement was signed by the Executive Secretary of ADAM-GH, Mr. Azubila Abdul-Salam Emmanuel, and the Director of Operations, Hon. Ibrahim Adam Mumuni.

The statement claims that the reason for the demonstration’s suspension was their readiness to address the seven problems listed as the basis for the Occupy Police Headquarters Demonstration and their positive interaction with the police.

In order to address the seven (7) issues mentioned as justification for their demonstration, ADAM-GH has given the Police 32 working days to do so. Following that time, the organization will decide on their course of action.

“Our reason for suspending the Demonstration is the positive engagement we had with the police and their willingness to address the seven (7) points listed as the reasons for our Occupy Police Headquarters Demonstration. It is not just the matter of embarking on Demonstration to keep fit through walking and submitting a petition but to ensure that the reason for the Demonstration is addressed” the statement added.

“We appreciate the professional conduct of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Greater Accra Regional Police Commander and his team during our 1st ,2nd and 3rd meetings with regards to the Demonstration against Ghana police Service”.

Read the full statement below:

Press Release. 15th October 2023.


Reference to our letter dated 27th of September 2023 notifying inspector General Police and Greater Accra Regional Police Commander of our intention to Demonstrate against Ghana Police Service, we write to suspend it until further notice.

Our reason for suspending the Demonstration is the positive engagement we had with the police and their willingness to address the seven (7) points listed as the reasons for our Occupy Police Headquarters Demonstration. It is not just the matter of embarking on Demonstration to keep fit through walking and submitting a petition but to ensure that the reason for the Demonstration is addressed. Most often Ghanaians Demonstrate and present petitions to institutions without follow up to ensure that the concerns raised in the petition are addressed. Upon our positive engagement with the police and agreement of our route of Demonstration, we from ADAM-GH resolved to give the police thirty two (32 ) working days deadline to act on the reasons we stated in our earlier letter to Demonstrate against Ghana Police Service which is stated as follows:

1. The unlawful murder of 8 unarmed and innocent civilians some of whom were teenages in the 2020 General elections and therefore the need to seek justice for them. [Niger and Burkina Faso staged Coup d’etat against a democratic government and yet no one died but Democratic elections in Ghana in 2020 claimed 8 innocent lives which is very unfortunate. We have almost a year to another general election in 2024 and no action has been taken against your men who killed the innocent Ghanaians. This can make Ghanaians to resist the police in future elections and therefore the need for justice in order to restore public confidence in the police service and operations.

2. The uninvestigated murder of Ahmed Suale after
Hon. Kennedy Agyapong recently cited the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, Dr. Mahmoud Bawumia as having knowledge about those behind the killing of Ahmed Suale. Therefore consistent with Article 17(1) of the 1992 constitution of Ghana which states that “all persons shall be equal before the law”, it is fervently expected of ADAM- GH that Hon. Kennedy Agyapong and H:E Dr. Mahmoud Bawumiah will be invited to assist with investigations into the gruesome murder of Ahmed Suale.

3. The recent unlawful arrest and detention of journalists and citizens of Ghana during the “occupyjulorbihouse” demonstration.

4. The denial of citizens’ right to protest or demonstrate due to Police frustrations and intimidation. However our engagement with the police on this suspended demonstration has actually deflated this perception we had and we expect more of such engagement with the public to foster Police/Public relations in ensuring absolute law and order. 

It is the right of citizens to demonstrate without the requirement of permission from the Police or any other state institution and therefore future collaboration and respect to the rights of protesters should remain paramount in the provision of security for protesters and legal processes should also be followed in the arrest of any protesters upon any reasonable suspicion of a commission of crime or a potential commission of same.

5. Unlawful recruitment of party hoodlums into the Police service without advertising the process.100 percent protocol without considering the general public is unlawful and an insult to the youth of this country.  

6. The Police must Provide bullet proof vest for all police officers who are assigned duty to minimize the rate at which police officers are dying in their line of duty.

7. The Police selective justice system is becoming one too many. As a law enforcement agency there is no different law for politicians in government and another law for ordinary citizens. Equality before the law should remain the watchword.

We are therefore given the Police 32 working days to act on the seven (7) concerns raised as reasons for our Demonstration against the police service after which we will decide the new date for our Demonstration.

We really appreciate the professional conduct of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Greater Accra Regional Police Commander and his team during our 1st ,2nd and 3rd meetings with regards to the Demonstration against Ghana police service.
We thank you for your cordial relationship with us as organizers of the Demonstration. We will notify you again at the right time when our 32 working days deadline for your action elapses if the need be.

We count on your utmost cooperation on this.

Thank you.

Executive Secretary ADAM-GH
Contact: 0544418072 / 0545270290.

Director of Operations ADAM-GH.
Contact: 0243486397


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