Ambulance trial: Ato Forson requests for live broadcast of proceedings

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Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, the leader of the minority in parliament, has petitioned Her Ladyship Justice Torkornoo, the Chief Justice, through his attorneys to have the proceedings in the ongoing ambulance trial aired live.

In order to improve the course of justice for all parties involved in the trial, this request is made in the interest of accountability and transparency.

Read the statement from Ato Forson’s Attorney below:

Godfred Dame Yeboah, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, must step down or be fired immediately and without conditions, according to a demand made by the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The party claims that Mr. Dame ought to face criminal charges in addition to President Akufo-Addo’s dismissal.

The demand was made by the party’s National Chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, at the Tuesday, May 28 Moment of Truth series at the party headquarters.

This comes after the third accused, Richard Jakpa, made accusations against the A-G in open court on Thursday, May 23. Mr. Jakpa was upset with Mr. Dame for his constant attempts to help him incriminate the first accused, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial.

Speaking to the media, Mr. Nketia played a taped audio clip that purportedly contained the Attorney General and Richard Jakpa’s phone conversation.

The tape contains snippets of the Attorney-General’s voice, which has not yet been verified, requesting that Mr. Jakpa file a medical leave of absence from court until he returns home.

“Considering the scandalous nature of this recording and other forms of evidence we have shown you, we wish to make the following pressing demands as part of efforts to restore credibility to the Attorney-General’s office and Ghana’s judicial system as a whole.

“The immediate and unconditional resignation or dismissal of Godfred Dame for bringing the high office of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice into disrepute and public opprobrium. Clearly, Mr. Dame is not fit to hold himself out as Attorney-General and Minister of Justice. He is unfit to be the leader of the Ghanaian Bar,” Mr Asiedu Nketia said.

Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame is being fiercely defended by the New Patriotic Party (NPP), which maintains that despite allegations made by the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dame’s character is untarnished.

Following a press conference hosted by the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the New Patriotic Party (NPP) reacted, accusing Attorney General Godfred Dame of trying to sway Richard Jakpa’s testimony. Jakpa is the third accused in the trial of Minority Leader Cassiel Ato Forson.

But during Tuesday, May 28, at the press conference, the NPP charged that the NDC was trying to absolve Ato Forson of responsibility.

The NPP’s national organizer, Henry Nana Boakye, also known as Nana B, stated during the press conference that Dame’s credibility is still unblemished.

“Let me again put on record, that in the 4th Republic, the current Attorney General, Godfred Yeboah Dame, has been one of the most successful both in and out of court.”

“As remarkably noted by the president at the last State of the nation’s address, he had successfully saved the state over GHC10 trillion, and his verve in protecting public resources is shown by his commitment to the prosecution of public officials whose acts resulted in financial loss. This is beside the other several infrastructure and logistics improvements to the offices of the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice, including the almost completed Law House.”

“We are clear in our minds that the calls for the resignation of the Attorney General is misplaced, unwarranted and this would not put any spokesmen in the prosecution of Cassiel Ato Forson and his associates,” Nana B added.


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