A fire outbreak in Kumasi’s Adum core business district has destroyed two-story structures that housed multiple stores.
As firefighters worked to contain the fire, it quickly spread from the well-known Blue Light arena near Hello FM. The fire began at around 6 a.m.
The fire destroyed everything, forcing terrified merchants to break into their stores and discard their goods.
The majority of stores sell jewelry, clothes, and mobile phones and accessories.
The fire was caused by a flickering electrical pole nearby, which caused a spark on the upper floor of one of the buildings, according to an eyewitness testimony.
Since the fire spread quickly, Hello FM’s programs director, Ama Ataffuah Quainoo, stated that staff members had been evacuated.
However, she claims that the Fire Service staff took a while to arrive.
Later, a number of firemen showed up on the site, although they encountered challenges battling the fire.
The impacted area of the market is a center for watch repairers, seamstresses, and second-hand apparel vendors.According to accounts, six fire engines were sent to the scene right away.
Accessing the impacted region was one of the biggest obstacles the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) faced.
Firefighting attempts were severely impeded by the market’s overcrowding and restricted entry ways.
According to reports, firefighters fighting the roaring flames had to maneuver through tight alleyways.
Source: Ghanatodayonline.com/Louis Gyamerah