NHIA releases over Ghc300m for claims payment to healthcare facilities

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The Ghana’s healthcare facilities will receive GHS 300 million in claims payments, according to the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA).

The NHIA said in a statement on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, that the sum “covers the claims vetted for higher tier facilities.”

According to the NHIA, the payments are within the permissible “three-month debt period.”

It emphasized that improving the “quality of care provided to all NHIS members and supporting the operational needs of healthcare providers” is the goal of the prompt disbursement.

Assuring healthcare providers of their ongoing efforts to enhance the effectiveness and timeliness of claims “processing and payments,” the NHIA also thanked them for their “cooperation and patience.”

Read the statement from the NHIA below:

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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