Asiedu Nketia is destroying the NDC party – Koku Anyidoho

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Koku Anyidoho, the executive director of the Atta Mills Institute, has referred to Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the chairman of the major opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), as a divider.

His remarks come in response to the most recent reorganization of the Minority Caucus in Parliament.

Mr. Anyidoho asserts that the NDC Chairman was successful in splintering the opposition NDC.

On Otec FM on Friday, January 27, 2023, Mr. Anyidoho said that Mr. Nketia is dividing the party in an interview with  Prince Nii Ade (Dr Cash).

“He’s destroying the party. Today, people are saying ‘Koku Anyidoho, we now understand, you said it’. When Jesus came to speak about salvation, people didn’t accept him” he stated.

“There’s been a change in Parliament before. Why is it that today, it’s become something else? We didn’t believe.”

He said that people expect the opposition to keep the government on its toes, but rather of keeping the party members together, the NDC Chairman is fostering discord.

“There is already conflict in Parliament, with 137 votes each for the NDC and the NPP.

Asiedu Nketia has split the opposition, which is what the public looks to today to keep the government on its toes.

You already have a divided parliament on both sides, and now the opposition is split as well. Where, oh where, is democracy?

Mr. Anyidoho questioned, adding that the alleged NDC divide was “all down to Asiedu Nketia’s” attitude that all authority was his to wield.


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