Clear containers of essential drugs stuck at the port – Minority to gov’t

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The Parliamentary Minority has entered the disputes pertaining to the clearance of more than 180 containers containing vital medical supplies at the port.

The Global Fund has threatened to cut off future shipments to Ghana since the supplies have been stranded at the port for more than a year.

The development has led to back-and-forth between the government and CSOs in the health sector, with the government claiming the consignment solely comprises mosquito nets.

Speaking to the media in Parliament following her meeting with Global Fund representatives, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, the minority spokesperson on health, questioned the usage of $2 million allotted for the fund’s approval of the supplies.

The Juaboso MP also demanded of the government that it clear the items regardless of their contents because the supplies were provided in response to a request from the government that described the development as an embarrassment to the whole world.


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