EOCO, OSP to deal with my corrupt appointees without interference – Mahama

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The National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer, Mr. John Dramani Mahama, has declared categorically that he will not tolerate corruption and that he will be held accountable if he is elected president in the upcoming December elections.

Speaking to members of the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA), the former president exhorted the people of Ghana to hold their leaders accountable and transparent.

Mr. Mahama promised to establish an independent valuation office with the goal of guaranteeing cost-effectiveness and cautious spending in procurement procedures in the event that he won the general elections.

He reiterated his unwavering position that anyone of his appointees found to have engaged in corrupt activities will be subject to legal action, highlighting his preference for the interests of the country over personal relationships.

Mr. Mahama emphasized the necessity for strict control while highlighting the effects of fiscal mismanagement on the general public. He suggested comprehensive value-for-money audits for sole-sourcing contracts as a means of preventing financial exploitation.

In addition, he reaffirmed his resolve to fight corruption and protect the independence of anti-corruption organizations, promising that anyone who were discovered abusing the nation would face consequences.

In closing, Mr. Mahama emphasized the importance of due process to his administration and said that ministers who did not carry out their duties in an ethical manner would be subject to investigation by investigative agencies, independently of his office.

“One of the reasons why you [GUTA] are suffering in terms of imposition of revenue and taxes is because of the expenditure side. Suppose the government is raising the money and misusing it through sole-sourcing, procurement and so forth; in that case, it is your taxpayers’ money that is being wasted and, so, we must take an interest in that that is why I have suggested that we are going to have an independent valuation office and any sole sourcing contract must go for value-for-money audit to make sure that it has not been inflated.”

“Aside from that, we must make sure that we cut down on corruption and allow the anti-corruption institutions to work.”

“If people have taken advantage of the country, they must be dealt with, and that is why I said when I come into the office and I am swearing in the ministers, I will caution them, and if they don’t listen and do not do their work well and EOCO or OSP come after you, I am not a clearing agent and I won’t interfere and I will let them do their work,” Mr Mahama said.

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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