Former MASLOC CEO will be extradited to serve jail term – Deputy Attorney General

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The government is making every effort to secure Sedina Tamakloe Attionu’s extradition to Ghana for her 10-year prison sentence, according to Deputy Attorney General Alfred Tuah-Yeboah.

Sedina Tamakloe was sentenced to ten years in jail with hard labor by the High Court on Tuesday, April 16. The previous Chief Operating Officer of MASLOC, Daniel Axim, was also given a five-year prison sentence by the court.

Asserting that Tamakloe will be returned to the nation to fulfill her sentence, Deputy Attorney General Tuah-Yeboah praised the decision after it was rendered.

“Good news but what is refreshing is that she will be brought down to face the sentence, no problem at all,” he stated.

Tuah-Yeboah elaborated on the implications of the judgment, emphasizing its role in expediting justice. He reiterated Ghana’s legal framework for extraditing individuals from abroad to face legal consequences domestically.

“We have started the process but with this judgment, it’s going to speed up the process. You know in Ghana we have various laws. You can choose to stay away but so far as we have laws for which you can extract from other countries to Ghana, in case there is a judgment against you like this one, be rest assured that she will be brought down to face judgment,” he stated.

Tamakloe and Axim were found guilty on 78 counts by the court of stealing, conspiring to steal, causing financial loss to the state, breaking public procurement laws, and causing damage to public property.

Sedina Christine Tamakloe Attionu, the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC), who is on the run, and Daniel Axim, the head of operations who was placed under arrest, were both sentenced to a total of 15 years in prison.

Judge Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe sentenced Mrs. Sedinam Tamakloe Attionu to ten years in prison and Daniel Axim to five years.

Each of the convicted individuals was also fined by the court.

This came about when the two were convicted on all 78 counts, including purposefully causing financial loss to the Republic, by the Financial and Economic Division of the High Court, which was chaired by Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe, a Justice of the Court of Appeal.

A conspiracy to steal, to cause financial loss to the State, to cause damage to public property, to improperly pay public funds, to commit an unauthorized act that puts the government in financial default, to money launder money, and to violate the Public Procurement Act are among the 78 counts.

The court questioned why the state is not bothering to apply for extradition so that Interpol may apprehend the initial accused the one who stands to gain the most from the crime.


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