Let’s unite to ‘Break the 8’ – Fmr Bosomtwe Treasurer urges NPP members

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A former Bosomtwe Constituency New Patriotic Party (NPP) treasurer, Hon. Joseph Asante has called on members of the Party to unite behind party leadership and government appointees to end the eight-year ruling cycle in the country.

Sika Wo bush, as Hon. Asante is well known made this statement during a unity dinner party he organised for members, delegates and executives of the Bosomtwe constituency NPP.

According to him, the NPP whenever in power solve most of problems in the country unlike that of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) when they are in power.

He urged members of the party to be united and support the executive from the electoral areas, constituency, regional to national levels to ensure that the party wins the 2024 elections.

He stressed the need for a united front to enable the NPP to ‘break the 8’ and said “Our responsibility is to do whatever is necessary to make sure that victory is forthcoming. We have to continue our way forward in Ghana. We cannot accept the backsliding that takes place now and then. It doesn’t benefit our nation” he stated.

He however urged members of the party to propagate the good works of President Akufo-Addo led government for the ordinary Ghanaian to appreciate and vote massively for the NPP to continue managing the country.

He asserted that the NPP administration would lead lead the country and its citizens to a better life despite the country’s current economic difficulties.

Present at the unity dinner were Bosomtwe NPP constituency executives led by the Chairman, Mr. Aikins Addai-Poku, DCE Hon. Joseph Assuming and the Ashanti Regional Organiser Dr. Francis Adomako Francios.

Chairman Aikins Addai-Poku delivering his speech lauded Hon. Joseph Asante for the initiative.

“My brother Asante contested me for the constituency chairmanship position and lost but he’s still supporting me in my duties and that is what we expect from every member of our party”

“We are one people with a common goal and we should remain so if we really want to break the 8” he said.

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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