CETAG, CENTSAG threaten strike over conditions of service

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If the government does not prioritize their wellbeing, two significant staff organizations at the 46 institutions of education across the nation have vowed to lay down their tools.

The organizations are the Colleges of Education Non-Teaching Staff Association of Ghana and the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) (CENTSAG).

The “how Government has handled matters impacting the welfare of our members in the colleges of education over the years,” they argue, has left them disillusioned.

The Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) unilaterally chose April 2023 as the start date for the placement of First Degree Holders of CENTSAG on position 17H on the SSSS. Other problems include the Ministry of Education’s excessive delay in replying to our request for payment of compensation.

The administration was given five working days in the joint communiqué of November 6 to resolve the issues or face a strike.

According to CETAG and CENTSAG, if their demands are not granted by Friday, November 11, 2022, “we shall reactivate our indefinite strike actions that we suspended on January 24 and April 14, 2022, respectively.”

After a fruitless meeting with the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, the three teacher unions on strike have decided to continue their continuing industrial action.

On Friday, November 4, 2022, the National Association of Graduate Teachers, Ghana National Association of Teachers, and Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana announced a strike.

After the government’s deadline to change its mind about appointing Dr. Eric Nkansah as the new Director-General of the Ghana Education Service passed, the unions initiated industrial action.

The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations then summoned a meeting of the Unions to inform them of the strike that would take place on Friday, November 4, 2022.

Read the full statement below:

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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