Electoral Commission to register between 450,000 and 550,000 Ghanaians yearly

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If a new Constitutional Instrument (CI) suggested by her group to regulate the 2024 elections is passed by Parliament, the Electoral Commission (EC), according to Chairwoman Jean Mensa, will register between 450,000 and 550,000 Ghanaians yearly.

Before the general elections in 2024, the EC wants the Ghana card to be the only form of identity accepted for voter registration.

The Commission Chair explained the planned CI to lawmakers on the floor of the parliament after being asked to do so. She said the new constitutional instrument will permit the continuous registering of new electors.

“Mr. Speaker, relying on the 2021 census report, and per our own estimate, we are likely to register between 450,000 and 550,000 Ghanaians every year. We believe that of the 17 million people that the National Identification Authority (NIA) has registered, it’s highly probable that the 450,000 to 550,000 persons we intend to register annually already have the cards as we speak,” she said.

Madam Jean expressed confidence in the NIA of issuing cards to persons who don’t have Ghana cards urging persons who are yet to access the cards to go through the process at the various NIA centres.

“With the NIA assurance that it will commence issuance of the cards, in a matter of weeks, we encourage those who do not have the cards to begin the process of acquiring the cards to enable them to register as voters. The NIA has its registration centres across the districts and regional capitals and therefore accessing their facilities will not be a challenge,” she noted.

Young people who will turn 18 in 2023 or 2024 and are interested in casting a ballot in the 2024 elections are also qualified, according to the speaker, and may attend the NIA registration offices to obtain their cards.

The EC head further recommended that any Ghanaian who will turn 18 in 2023 or 2024 and is interested in participating in the nation’s elections visit the closest NIA offices and registration centers to obtain the Ghana card so that he or she can also register as a voter when he or she becomes qualified.

She clarified that this particular practice is only open to people who enrolled in 2020.

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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