Ghana is not in food Crisis – Agric Minister

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The Minister for Food and Agriculture, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto has said that data to be had to the ministry proves there is going to be no food crisis withinside the country.

He stated there has been a clean difference among food availability and pricing, emphasizing that Ghanaians had been misconstruing the excessive charge of foodstuff to intend food scarcity.

Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto made the assertion at the same time as addressing the Media on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at TQ Farms a farming organization at Akim Krodua in Upper West Akim district of the Eastern Region as a part of his tour withinside the region.

The Minister in an interview with Afeema FM’s Journalist, Kaakyire Kwasi Afari explained that his outfit’s excursion became informed through statements, particularly in Accra, Kumasi and different big cities, that there’s food scarcity withinside the country. According to the Agric Minister, President Akufo Addo’s management is attracting even the knowledgeable children into agriculture because of the massive funding into agribusiness.

The Agric minister gave a company warranty that the modern authorities will do the entirety feasible to save you starvation withinside the country in the coming years.

According to Afriyie Akoto, approximately 25,000 metric tonnes of maize are under storage in a wearhouses at Techiman, Bono East Region and are equipped for market. He was, however, positive that once farmers start to harvest the season’s maize, costs of maize will certainly lessen to the advantage of Ghanaians.

The Minister advocate that the authorities haven’t any control over growing food prices in the country. The Minister reiterated that, even though it is worried approximately the excessive value of food prices, little may be accomplished from its end to manipulate food inflation.

He attributed the growth to elements beyond government’s control, consisting of fertilizer supply, price of agricultural inputs, transportation fee, Russia and Ukraine conflict amongst others.

Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, was concerned about business banks reluctance in assisting farmers with soft loans. He indicated that Banks are supposed to offer the farmers with credit score centers to permit them increase production, however that has now no longer been the case, he pressured.

He says government collectively with the ministry is focusing its energies on assisting business farming to increase their production to this end, a new bill is presently before parliament whilst passed, will compel the banks to allocate 20% in their resources towards assisting agriculture withinside the country, he stated.

Source: Kwasi Afari

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