Ghanaians give NDC Congress more than GH1 million

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To help the National Democratic Congress organize its national congress, slated for today Saturday, December 17, 2022, at the Accra Sports, several Ghanaians have given more than one million cedis.

According to a statement from the party, donations of GH1,083,000 have already been made.

A mobile money account was set up for this reason after John Dramani Mahama, the former president, urged Ghanaians to support the party congress a few weeks ago.

Sammy Gyamfi Esq., the party’s national communication officer, thanked Ghanaians and other party supporters in a statement for heeding their appeal.

“MoMo donations and deposits into the congress account, and other alternate channels of donation amounted to GH¢1,083,000 (one million and eighty-three thousand). The party wishes to thank all Ghanaians who contributed their widow’s mite to what is expected to be a monumental Congress today”.

“The Planning Committee also wishes to thank the many people who made donations to the Congress but wish to remain anonymous. The Congress Planning Committee wishes to thank Former President John Dramani Mahama and all Ghanaians who responded to the fundraising appeal to finance the 10th National Congress scheduled for Accra on the 17th December 2022”.

The party’s various constituencies are anticipated to send about 9,000 delegates to participate in the voting process.

The hotly disputed national chairmanship position will be between Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, the current chair, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the current general secretary, Nii Armah Ashiety, and Samuel Yaw Adusei, a former member of parliament.

After putting in a lot of effort for the party, the two front-runners, Mr. Asiedu Nketiah and Mr. Ofosu Ampofo, have both declared their confidence in gaining the coveted chairperson post.

Read the full statement below:


For Immediate Release:
16th December 2022


The Congress Planning Committee wishes to thank Former President John Dramani Mahama and all Ghanaians who responded to the Fundraising appeal to finance the 10th National Congress scheduled for Accra on the 17th December, 2022.

MoMo donations and deposits into the congress account, and other alternate channels of donation amounted to Ghs1,083,000 (one million and eighty three thousand). The party wishes to thank all Ghanaians who contributed their widows mite to what is expected to be a monumental Congress tomorrow.

The Planning Committee also wishes to thank the many people who made donations to the Congress but wish to remain anonymous.

Additionally the Planning Committee wishes to thank the former President for sponsoring the entire budget of the Youth and women congresses and also topping up to make up the shortfall in the budget for National Delegates Congress amounting to several million cedis.

The party remains eternally grateful to Ghanaians, Former President and his generous benefactors for their continued support.

Sammy Gyamfi Esq.
National Communication Officer, NDC


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