GUTA replies Deputy Speaker Joe Wise, demands apology

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The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joseph Osei-Owusu, is being held in contempt by the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) for asserting that traders exploit Ghanaians and have no moral standing to complain about taxes.

The Bekwai MP was characterized by the Union as conceited, uninformed, and rude in a statement.
According to reports, the MP claimed in an interview that GUTA members “always talk about taxes, yet they over-exploit Ghanaians, and I’m stating this without fear.”

GUTA informed the MP that because of the numerous levies the government has imposed, retailers are forced to charge excessive prices for their goods.

“We have listened to and read the unguarded statements made by no mean a person than the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament of the Republic of Ghana and demand an immediate retraction and unqualified apology to GUTA and all members of the business community.

“We condemn in no uncertain term the statements, and the sheer arrogance and complete ignorance exhibited on the genuine inputs GUTA made on those three taxes he mentioned.”

Read the full statement below:


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