NDC’s politics of double standards and emotional blackmail pushing Quayson to the pit – Nana B

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The revelation that James Gyakye Quayson, a troubled former Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin North, might suffer the same fate as Adamu Dramani Sakande, a member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for Bawku Central, has caused a stir in Ghana’s political scene.

Henry Nana Boakye, often known as Nana B, the National Organiser of the NPP, recently delivered a statement in which he accused the National Democratic Congress (NDC) of using emotional blackmail and double standards to force Mr. Quayson out of parliament.

He pointed out that the NDC hailed Mr. Sakande’s 2012 conviction and two-year prison term for making a false oath that he had renounced his British citizenship as a victory for the rule of law.

In contrast, the NDC is running an emotional campaign against the court in Mr. Quayson’s case, accusing it of applying the law equitably to remove him from his MP position.

Nana B continues by stating that Mr. Quayson had the opportunity to present his case before judges at the High Court through the Supreme Court, but he was unable to persuade any of the justices that he should continue to serve in parliament.

According to the statement, Mr. Quayson’s criminal trial is still in progress and he still has the chance to present his own defense.

According to Nana B, the NDC is reluctant to accept responsibility for its failure to perform adequate research in advance of the 2020 elections. Instead, they are attributing Mr. Quayson’s departure to the court, which upheld the law equally in 2012 and 2023.

Read Nana B statement below:


RIP Hon. Adamu Dramani Sakande…. BE WISE, Hon Gyakye Quayson

In July 2012, Ghanaians woke up to the shocking news that Mr. Adamu Dramani Sakande, NPP MP for Bawku Central, had been convicted and sentenced to jail for two years for falsely declaring under oath he had renounced his UK Citizenship. The decision was celebrated by the NDC as unprecedented and a triumph of the rule of law

Today, the same NDC, whose Attorney General prosecuted Adamu Sakande, is waging an emotional campaign in Assin North because the same courts have applied the law to remove Gyakye Quayson as MP.

For the record, Mr. Quayson had the opportunity to make his case at the High Court through to the Supreme Court, and not for once did he convince any of the judges he was deserving of staying in parliament. His criminal trial is underway, and he still has every opportunity to defend himself.

The leadership of the NDC, as usual, has failed to take responsibility for their incompetence in undertaking requisite due diligence before the 2020 elections;and rather, has diverted blame to the Court that applied the law in equal measure in 2012 and 2023. In the end, Mr. Quayson would be the only one to personally suffer criminal sanctions despite the NDC’s leadership and its  legal team being responsible for the tardy handling of the legal issues.

Our laws, like our justice system, are non-discriminatory and blind to parties or persons. Let the NDC blame their leaders for their indolence and spare residents of Assin North and the emotional blackmail.

RIP Hon. Adamu Dramani Sakande…. BE WISE, Hon Gyakye Quayson

By Nana B
NPP National Organiser

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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