Parliament is not meant for professional garbage spillers! – Concerned Patriot writes

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I have learnt with shock a heap of garbage that spills from the mouths of people we have entrusted with powers to enact laws on our behalf. And I write emphatically to Mutala Mohammed that his unwarranted attacks on Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu cannot be overlooked by the people of Suame Constituency. No.

Mutala, we understand your frustrations because Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu keeps righting deliberate wrongs of NDC’s ordained ‘frustrator general’, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, thus reducing his antics to ordinary gimmicks before law-loving Ghanaians.

I heard you say ‘when the Speaker was practicing law, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu was selling spare parts’. You must indeed be worried because the supposed spare parts dealer beats your lawyer to it in the law arena most of the time. Sorry man!

First and foremost, you should thank your stars you never hailed from the constituency called Suame, you might not have gotten anywhere closer to becoming a Member of Parliament.

Also, Suame Constituency consists predominantly of artisans and spare parts dealers. Therefore it stays at the apex of wisdom to have presented he who understands what we do and how we do it. I mean one of us. But not a square peg in a round hole as some others did and/or do.

What’s more fascinating is, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu stands tall from amongst his peers such that he has become a household name in Ghana. If you care to know, Suame is proud to have given such an astute legislator to Ghana, Africa and the world. If there shall be parliaments in purgatory, we pledge to bring him back as our representative.

For your information, Ghanaians expect presentation of cogent arguments and counter-arguments which can sustain or overrule decisions during proceeding on the floor of Parliament from honourable members. Therefore continuous spillage of garbages of such magnitude only reminds us that there are surpluses taxpayers pay for no good work done.

At this time that Ghana heads to IMF for a bailout, let us see the reason why Ghanaians must continue paying your salaries.

Good Luck!

Agyemang Richard

(Concerned Patriot,


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