TEWU joins ongoing strike of Senior Staff Association of Universities

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The Senior Staff Association of Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG) and the Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union of TUC (GH) (TEWU of TUC (GH)) have expressed solidarity over the issues leading up to the current nationwide strike action.

Thus, TEWU of TUC (GH) called on its members in the public universities to join the ongoing strike, particularly regarding the government’s non-payment of Tier 2 pension contributions that have been due for nine (9) months.

This is stated in a press release that was signed by the organization’s general secretary, Mark Dankyirah Korankye, on January 22.

“We wish to serve notice, and is hereby served that the Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union (TEWU) of TUC has joined the strike declared by the Senior Staff Association of Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG),” the Union wrote.

“It is noteworthy that the demands for Tier 2 pension payment and the restoration of payments of stopped agreed allowances were among the myriad of issues listed on the petitions to the National Labour Commission(NLC) in October, 2023 which almost led to another joint non-teaching staff Unions strike in the Public Universities,” TEWU explained.

“TEWU of TUC (GH), is by this statement calling on its members in the Public Universities to join the on-going strike in solidarity and especially on the non-payment of Tier 2 pension contributions by government that are outstanding for nine (9) months.

TEWU of TUC (GH) is calling on government to immediately pay the nine months Tier 2 pension contributions arrears of workers of the Public Universities to ensure dignified retirement.

We wish to serve notice, and is hereby served that the Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union (TEWU) of TUC (GH) has joined the strike declared by the Senior Staff Association of Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG)” the TEWU added in the statement.

Read the full statement below


Dear Sir/Madam


The Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union of TUC (GH) (TEWU of TUC (GH)), associate itself with the Senior Staff Association of Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG) in the issues culminating in the current nationwide strike action.

It is noteworthy that the demands for Tier 2 pension payment and the restoration of payments of stopped agreed allowances were among the myriad of issues listed on the petitions to the National Labour Commission (NLC) in October, 2023 which almost led to another joint non-teaching staff Unions strike in the Public Universities.

It is obvious that the patience of the universities workers has waned, and the continued lethargy of government agencies in addressing labour issues will no more be entertained.

TEWU of TUC (GH), is by this statement calling on its members in the Public Universities to join the on-going strike in solidarity and especially on the non-payment of Tier 2 pension contributions by government that are outstanding for nine (9) months.

TEWU of TUC (GH) is calling on government to immediately pay the nine months Tier 2 pension contributions arrears of workers of the Public Universities to ensure dignified retirement.

We wish to serve notice, and is hereby served that the Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union (TEWU) of TUC (GH) has joined the strike declared by the Senior Staff Association of Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG).

It is hoped that the smooth running of Ghana’s Public Universities will be revered in a swift response of the government agencies to forestall disruptions in the academic calendar.

Long Live TEWU of TUC (GH)!

Long Live Public Universities!!

Long Live Ghana!!!





The Executive Secretary, National Labour Commission

Hon. Minister, Ministry of Education

Hon. Minister, Ministry of Finance

Hon. Minister, Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations

Director General, Ghana Tertiary Education Commission

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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