2023 Budget: Ofori-Atta presented IMF conditionalities not budget – Coalition of National Youth Organizers

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) set conditions on the budget proposed by Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta, according to the Coalition of National Youth Organizers.

The Coalition of National Youth Organizers, reject the budget that Hon. Ken Ofori Atta claimed to have prepared for Ghana and presented to Parliament.

We instead see it as imposed conditions by the IMF that are detrimental to the advancement of Ghanaian youth, particularly former Nabco trainees, unemployed graduates, and all final-year tertiary education students who have been informed by the Akuffo Addo administration that there will be no jobs for them in the entirety of 2023.

The Coalition of National Youth Organizers are also worried about the 2.5% VAT that has been introduced.

They also questioning why a government which supposedly wants to add value to our raw materials through its One District One Factory flagship program, will introduce an additional Tax to discourage patronage.

“Abolishing the 100 cedis daily threshold means that sending even 50 pesewas via mobile money transaction is going to attrack a 1% electronic Levy tax and it is unacceptable.

How can you encourage the Utilization of the interoperability platform which was created with the Tax payers’s, when you have such a policy of taking 1%? Of every electronic transaction” the statememnt signed by their secretary Osei Kofi Acquah quizzes?

The re-introduction of the illegally cancelled road Toll could not only have generated revenue for government but could have also employed most of the wasting away able bodies who are Youth.

This IMF impossed conditionalities are going to breed more and more corruption, crime and alot of vices especially among the Youth.

Again it is going to create alot of insecurity in this country.

According to them  the relevance of the much tauted Free Senior High school and even ataining a Tertiary Education is becoming a waste of time, resources and a detraction of one’s future, since there is no assurance of job after school.

They want Parliament as a matter of urgency reject this 2023 budget since it going to make the lives of their constituents unbearable.

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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