Our economic problems are a result of corruption and cedi depreciation – Fmr. EPCG Moderator

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Very Rev. Rtd. Francis Amenu, a former Moderator of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ghana, expressed his displeasure with the nation’s economic situation and urged the government to take swift action.

Rev. Amenu said the country’s economic problems have been made worse by the rising instances of mismanagement and corruption as well as the swift depreciation of the Cedi while delivering a sermon at the 125th anniversary celebration of the Amenuveve Congregation of the EP Church, Ghana at Pordoe-Dorfor in the North Tongu District of the Volta region.

He claims that as a result, many Ghanaians are now living in utter poverty.

“The message goes to all manner of people -for we are all experiencing the increase. For example political, religious and financial malfeasance in both low and high places which has resulted in increased cases of abject poverty and cancerous corruption et cetera and the consequent rapid depreciation of the cedi.”

You may have begun a project a week ago; you may have purchased cement for GHC65. Go back there now and request that bag of cement.

Am I correct in assuming that although it is currently being sold at GHC78, it will shortly be GHC80?

That is merely an illustration, and we are sobbing and crying from the bottom of our hearts.

What is going on?

The Very Rev. Rtd. Francis Amenu questioned, “Has God forgotten us as a nation? The retiring Moderator was also furious about the condition of several of the country’s roadways, especially the Juapong to Pordoe-Dorfor road, which is in a terrible condition.

The Dorfor-Podoe, Amenuveve Congregation of the EP Church was founded about 125 years ago and has since helped the area flourish by starting a basic school and other improvement initiatives at Pordoe.

The subject of the 125th Anniversary was “The Promise of God, Our Hope.”

Former President John Dramani Mahama, together with other esteemed members of the political and religious classes, honored the anniversary event.

Source: Ghanatodayonline.com

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